fino convinces GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG with its account switching products

Bochum / Kassel. GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG continues to drive its new business and has integrated the account switching products of FinTech fino into its portfolio. This allows private customers and companies to transfer their existing current accounts or securities accounts to GLS Bank in just a few steps.

Specifically, GLS Bank has introduced the digital fino solutions Account Switching Service, Payments Account Act (ZKG)-compliant Account Switching Assistance and Securities Account Switching Service, which significantly simplify and accelerate onboarding at the financial institution for customers. Like most fino technologies, these solutions are also subject to the regulations of the European Payment Services Directive PSD2 and naturally take into account all European data protection guidelines.

Aysel Osmanoglu, Member of the Executive Board of GLS Bank, says: “When it comes to digital offerings, it is important for GLS Bank to offer a solution that serves its customers. With fino, we have found that for account switching.”

Aleksandar Jeremic, Managing Director of fino digital, adds: “We are extremely pleased to have won GLS Bank as a new customer for the products of our account switching family. With its social-ecological business model, GLS Bank sets forward-looking standards for banking and was not by chance voted “Bank of the Year” by customers twelve times in a row. We at fino are proud to support GLS Bank from now on with our innovative software solutions in their sustainable banking operations and to contribute to high customer satisfaction.”

More information about fino’s account switching products:

About fino:

The fintech company fino was founded in 2015 and develops products and services that optimize business processes in the area of finance. More than 100 employees work every day to ensure that the fino motto “Less finance – more you” becomes a reality for more and more companies and private individuals. Among other things, companies benefit from easier provision and management of their invoices, account information and payment flows. The analysis of these also helps them to make well-founded business decisions. Financial institutions, in turn, can offer their customers modern, fast solutions with fino’s products. Reference customers and partners include savings banks, VR banks, DATEV, Miles & More and Schufa.
Further information:

Your press contacts:
fino run GmbH
Björn Kahle
Universitätsplatz 12
D-34127 Kassel
Tel.: +49 561 4745240-0

good news! GmbH
Nicole Gauger
Kolberger StraĂźe 36
D-23617 Stockelsdorf
Tel.: +49 451 88199-12


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