
Gain valuable time for customer consulting with fino-Cockpit

Insurance brokers are often lone wolves or have at best a small administrative team. It is therefore all the more important that they use a large part of their time to advise their customers and thus generate business. Jürgen Hartmann explains in an interview how our fino cockpit helps them to do this. His insurance agency, based in Seeheim-Jugenheim near Darmstadt, is part of the BCA Group.

Mr. Hartmann, how did you get to know fino-Cockpit?
Jürgen Hartmann: The solution was presented to us as part of BCA’s annual Smart Broker Tour and I found the digital finance check approach interesting, so I registered for a test phase.

What happened next?
All that was required was a short introduction, with which we were ideally equipped to use fino-Cockpit in customer consulting. Fortunately, no IT effort is required to use the product.

Have you already been able to use fino-Cockpit?
Yes, I immediately introduced the financial check offered by fino-Cockpit to one of my customers, who agreed. He then received an e-mail from me with a link that connects fino-Cockpit once to his bank account as soon as the customer enters his access data. He then received an analysis of his account transactions as an encrypted PDF file in no time at all, giving him a clear overview of his income and expenses. I then finally asked him to forward this PDF file to me so that we could look at the insurance policies together and discuss them.

Were you able to optimize the customer’s insurance contracts as a result of the analysis?
Yes, we were both surprised at what the financial check revealed. For example, there was a car insurance policy that I knew nothing about and that had a deductible that was much too high. In addition, the customer had taken out a much too expensive legal protection insurance policy, which I was able to offer him at a much lower price, saving him €200 a year. I also strongly recommended that he take out term life insurance to cover his condominium.

How did your customer feel about using fino-Cockpit?
He confirmed that it was very easy to use and that he was surprised at how quickly he received the results. He was also pleased to see an overview of all his income and expenses.

What do you personally see as the big advantage of fino-Cockpit?
First and foremost, it helps that I can get an overview of the existing insurance policies in the shortest possible time without having to go through the customer’s insurance folder. That’s a huge time-saver. Of course, the customer is also happy if he doesn’t have to gather all his policies for a first meeting. In addition, the evaluation gives him a good overview of his financial situation. Who would go to the trouble of compiling their income and expenditure in an Excel list?

Do you plan to expand the use of fino-Cockpit?
Yes, especially for new customers, because then I know right at the first consultation which insurances they have or which they are missing. I can then prepare offers that are a direct fit and present them at the appointment. Prospective customers can make an appointment online on my website – and that’s where I’ll soon be offering the free financial check.


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