
Fully digital point of sale

Supermarkets, restaurants, gas stations, even the bakery around the corner – they are all happy when people pay by card. What does the customer receive as a “thank you”? A paper receipt. Find the mistake!

A recent survey by POSpulse in collaboration with EHI showed that before the Corona pandemic, 38 percent of consumers still preferred to pay in cash. Their share is currently down to 18 percent. In contrast, 42 percent of respondents prefer traditional card payments, another 31 percent contactless payments and around eight percent mobile payment options.

Self-service checkouts are also becoming increasingly popular and are perceived as an additional service. For customers, checkout is therefore becoming increasingly contactless and convenient. If only it weren’t for the cash register receipt, which is still printed out on paper as it was 100 years ago. Since January 1, 2020, companies have even been obliged to hand out receipts to their customers, regardless of whether only one sandwich or several items are purchased. However, this does not mean that the receipt has to be printed. It can also be issued digitally, which can be easily implemented with anybill. For this purpose, the receipt is issued on a display at the checkout in the form of a QR code, which the customer then scans with his smartphone. Alternatively, the customer downloads the free anybill app, which he then uses to scan the QR code.

To enable customers to benefit from complete digital invoice management, we have equipped anybill with an interface to GetMyInvoices. This enables documents to be transferred to our digital invoice management solution and from there to the accounting program or the tax advisor. The entire document transfer, from creation to posting to archiving, takes place without media discontinuity.

anybill is thus another piece of the puzzle that completes our picture of fully digital networking at the point of sale. All that’s missing is a technology that allows customers to receive their receipt digitally and pay with it at the same time. But we’re working on that ;-).


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fino digital: “Open banking provider from the very beginning”

In an interview with the Börsen-Zeitung: “Not all start-ups are suffering to the same extent from the funding slump. Thanks to a stringent selection of new projects, has been working profitably right from the start. The creators are also staying away from acquisition plans in order to maintain their freedom.”

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Checking tenant creditworthiness with the help of AI

In highly competitive housing markets with countless prospective tenants, individual credit checks require a great deal of work. AI can significantly reduce this workload.
In a guest article in the trade magazine “IVV – Immobilien vermieten & verwalten”, our partner Alexander Sieverts from itsmydata and Aleksandar Jeremic, CEO of, describe how digital solutions can speed up the process of checking the solvency and creditworthiness of prospective tenants for landlords.

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Cooperation on AI-based data analysis solution for savings banks

The digitalisation partner GuideCom will build on the know-how of’s data analysis experts in future and open up new opportunities in financial advice for advisors and corporate customers of savings banks with the help of integration into the sales software.