
Cooperation between BCA AG and FinTech expert fino: New consulting tool “fino-Cockpit” supports intermediaries

Kassel. BCA AG and FinTech company fino have expanded their partnership. With the fino-Cockpit solution, the Oberursel-based brokerage service provider is now expanding its portfolio of offerings to include sales-supporting real-time analysis for efficient customer consulting.

The number of brokerage customers who want the best possible financial and insurance advice digitally is increasing. Users want to use smartphones, tablets and the like to make their investments, compare policies, and gain insight into securities accounts and insurance solutions. In addition, evaluations show that consumers continue to prefer the personal expertise of the broker professional. As an advocate of the hybrid advisory model, BCA AG offers comprehensive professional and digital services for optimal advice and customer care, so that a broker can remain successful in the market in the long term.

“Brokers who adapt to hybrid customer behavior with our digital solutions and personal expertise are ideally equipped for the future,” says Roman Schwarze, BCA AG’s Chief IT Officer.

fino-Cockpit: Identify customer needs in the shortest possible time

In line with the needs of its broker partners, BCA AG’s existing range of agile consulting solutions is being successively expanded to include modern digital tools. Recently, for example, the fino-Cockpit analysis software was integrated into the product portfolio as a white-label solution. For this purpose, BCA AG is the first broker pool in Germany to cooperate with the Hessian FinTech fino. The latest digital solution offers brokers a holistic view of existing customer data, thus improving the advisory process and also identifying potential insurance gaps.

After the customer’s approval, fino-Cockpit analyzes the account transaction data in real time and provides both the customer and the broker with the evaluation result as an encrypted PDF file. On this basis, the advisor can prepare optimally for the customer meeting and submit suitable product proposals. This means that the preparation process is completely frictionless and ultimately paperless for both the consultant and the customer. The traditional insurance folder does not have to be brought along or looked through.

Data-based analyses essential

Aleksandar Jeremic, Managing Director of fino digital, very much welcomes the expanded cooperation with BCA AG and summarizes the advantages of the software for brokers as follows: “With the help of AI-supported account and data analysis, our solution identifies current customer needs within seconds and clearly prepares the relevant results for the advisor. This creates sales impulses in real time that can be used for meaningful and tailored product recommendations. In addition, no programming or installation effort is necessary for the data protection-compliant use of fino-Cockpit, so brokers can start immediately.”

And Roman Schwarze adds: “The PSD2 payment services directive has long since arrived at insurers. This makes flawless document and data analysis all the more important. Thus, it is not only about collecting data, but also deriving the right decisions from it. That’s why we are delighted to be cooperating with fino as a BaFin-certified company. The FinTech experts have extensive know-how in translating account transaction data into valuable information.”

About BCA AG:
Key data: BCA AG, headquartered in Oberursel in the Taunus, has been one of Germany’s market-leading broker pools since it was founded in 1985. In addition to the parent company, the group of companies includes the securities trading bank BfV Bank für Vermögen AG with a flexible liability umbrella concept and in-house fund asset management PRIVATE INVESTING, CARAT Fonds Service AG, BCA Versicherungsvermittlungsservice GmbH (VVS GmbH) and IT forge asuro GmbH. The BCA Group currently maintains a sales partnership with around 9,000 independent financial service providers. Group sales in the 2020 financial year amounted to around 59.8 million euros, and equity capital was 6.47 million euros.

Range of services: The pool group offers affiliated brokers a modern, all-inclusive service for financial and insurance consulting. Based on comprehensive sales and organizational support, this includes the award-winning electronic consulting and processing platform DIVA and marketing support tailored to the target group. With a focus on the investment segment, affiliated financial intermediaries currently have access to more than 8,000 selected investment funds. This broadly diversified asset pool is accompanied by in-depth capital market analyses and individual fund reports as well as detailed top fund lists. In addition, financial service providers benefit from innovative digital tools, such as the investment store with an end-to-end online direct conclusion route, and modern portfolio reporting. The range of insurance products covers the entire spectrum of all common product lines from renowned companies, and broker partners can use the latest comparison tools, clear catalogs of criteria, and in-house coverage concepts in their product selection. An end-customer app for insurance and investment – including an integrated chat function and digital portfolio transfer option – rounds off the strong overall range of services.

Further information, current annual reports and suitable press material on BCA AG can be found at:

Press contact:
Mirko Faust
Marc Oehme
Hohemarkstraße 22
D-61440 Oberursel
Tel.: +49 (0) 61 71 91 50 – 150
Fax: +49 (0) 61 71 91 50 – 151

About fino:
Das fintech company fino was founded in 2015 and develops products and services that optimize business processes in the area of finance. More than 100 employees work every day to ensure that the fino motto “Less finance – more you” becomes a reality for more and more companies and private individuals. Among other things, companies benefit from easier provision and management of their invoices, account information and payment flows. The analysis of these also helps them to make well-founded business decisions. Financial institutions, in turn, can offer their customers modern, fast solutions with fino’s products. Reference customers and partners include savings banks, VR banks, DATEV, Miles & More and Schufa.

Your press contacts:
fino run GmbH
Björn Kahle
Universitätsplatz 12
D-34127 Kassel
Tel.: +49 561 4745240-0

good news! GmbH
Nicole Gauger
Kolberger Straße 36
D-23617 Stockelsdorf
Tel.: +49 451 88199-12


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